Windows Phone 7 App Phonealytics – Sales and Download Numbers

Phonealytics is my Windows Phone 7 Google Analytics client. Phonealytics is currently selling for $0.99 in the marketplace with a free trial. Its major features include a live tile updating with a single sites stats, good performance and simple to use “metro” interface. Here I will be giving a rough and rundown of how it has performed along with the changes I have made and am planning. Due to my poor records keeping and Microsoft’s limited app hub reporting the numbers might be off here and there but should be close enough.

Total Numbers

Here are the raw numbers as of 30-MAR-2011:


This gives me a conversion rate of about 35% which I am pretty pleased about. The app is sitting on around a 4 star rating (depending which country you are from) and has close to 30 reviews. I get a ton of feedback via email most of it encouraging with some excellent ideas for features. Seeing as though people generally enjoy using the app I am a little disappointed in the sales numbers so far.

Downloads Over Time

Since first launching in the marketplace Phonealytics has been update 5 times. Major changes included adding a trial version of the app on 13-DEC-2010. Due to some pretty solid competing apps I also dropped the price of Phonealytics from $2.99 to $0.99 on 30-JAN-2011. Here is the downloads (trial and paid)  per day from the day the app went on sale 25-NOV-2010 to 30-MAR-2011.


In the cumulative graph that Phonealytics has been downloaded at a fairly steady rate since hitting the marketplace.


As you can see the downloads have remained fairly stable throughout the life of the app. I’d like to think that this means the app is pretty good and as new people are introduced to Windows Phone 7 the sales will continue to grow. Spikes in downloads generally coincided with me putting some effort into promoting updates. The free trial has been kept the downloads pretty steady and has a good conversion rate to the paid app. The price drop however hasn't had a great effect.

Estimated Moneys

at $2.99
at $0.99
Microsoft's Cut

I probably shouldn't quit my day job any time soon.

Future Plans

My Tips

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