Writing AJAX web applications in Asp.Net MVC

Asp.Net MVC and jQuery have made it much easier to build awesome Gmail like ajax powered applications. I am going to run through the technique I used to do the ajax web services, call them in javascript and display the...

C# String Extension Methods

Ah extension methods… where would we be without them? Writing slightly more code to perform common functions that’s where! I am fairly sure everyone has their own set of string extensions so I though I’d share what I currently have...

Google and Yahoo Add to Calendar Html Helpers for Asp.net MVC

I’ve been working on implementing some iCal functionality for the my gig guide website – Gigpig so users could easily add concert dates to their calendars. This works fine and dandy if you have some desktop program to handle iCal...

Rest Web Services In Windows Phone 7

I’ve been messing around with some Window Phone 7 development lately and thought I would share how I have been calling web services with RestSharp (I’ve written a little about RestSharp previously using the google weather api). For those who...

Windows Phone 7 Google Reader App (GREAD) Work In Progress

I’ve spent the last couple of days playing around with some Windows Phone 7 development. I decided to create a simple Google reader client as a practice app that later on down the track might at least be useful to...

Getting Started With MongoDB and NoRM

I just realised - I hate writing SQL. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. I have also recently noticed a growing trend in SQL alternatives or “nosql” with open source C# drivers. Today I put one and...

IP to Geo Location in Asp.Net MVC

I have been working on a couple of projects recently (like the new and improved version of Gigpig which is coming soon!) which could really benefit from some automagic geolocation lookups for visitors. In the case of Gigpig I wanted...

Timesaving CSS Tools for ASP.Net Developers

Are you a developer? Are you a lazy developer? Do you hate doing web design? If you answered yes to that last question you have come to the right blog post. I am going to show you three simple to...

Calling Web Services in Android using HttpClient

I’ve decided recently to branch out from mainly web development into the mobile app space – starting with Google’s Android (because I own a Android phone). One of the first things I wanted to do was start calling webservices, specifically...

Split String Into Array of Chunks

Here is a little function I needed to use today for spliting a string into an array of strings of a given length rather than by a particular character. I ran into a situation where the database columns I wanted...